Thursday, May 3, 2012

May 3rd, 2012

Well, I am back at it. The Guild Wars 2 beta was fun (despite having some seriously bad optimization issues with AMD Catalyst stuff, which both of my computers run), but it's time to focus on Minecraft once more. I made a small update on my thoughts for my world a week ago and now I am tackling all of the objectives in a very determined matter.

I said the stairs to the third tier of my base were almost done a week ago, and now they are done (generally). It was a real challenge working with an arc that is that awkward, but I am definitely pleased with how the shape turned out. There is only one other possible design that I was considering, but I personally like this one more. Behold!

Now, the walls look quite bad in my opinion, and I am definitely going to be changing them, but for now, I'm glad to have that functionality down pat. There is another set of stairs that mirror this one on the other side of the base, and overall, the stairs match up with the ones leading to the first tier.

Unfortunately, this stair design took up quite a lot of space, and it was going to cover my slime collection point. On top of that, I had noticed that not all of the small slimes were making it up to the top of the base. It seems that a fair few of them were drowning in the old size reducer that I was using (which was designed by Roboticaust). I still needed to collect more slime balls, so I decided to use this opportunity to fix the flaws in my slime farm.

First of all, I had to shift the collection point over. I also made it a tad smaller, as I didn't need the five block drop that I had before (it only needs to be a four block drop to kill small slimes).

This isn't the best view I could possibly have, I know, but you get the idea. It was the same basic principle as the other one, although instead of a door like I had last time, I decided to put a trapdoor to the right of the drop chute. What I liked about having the door on the left was that I could watch the slimes coming up the ladder from the spawner. With the trapdoor on the right, I cannot do that anymore. I settled with leaving the old ladder in, but having it lead to nowhere at the top. That way, I can still see the slimes if I need to.

With the collection point done, I set out to create my own slime size reducer. Seeing as I had about 25 blocks of space length-wise to work with, I decided to stretch it out and take care of them one stage at a time. First, I used a lava blade to take care of the big slimes while reducing the width of the tunnel, so the big slimes could not force their way through the lava and not get reduced in size.

After that, I had a heck of a time trying to deal with the medium slimes. I could not use the same lava blade that I had with the big slimes, because the sign below the lava would have stopped the water current and created a dead zone right under the lava, which would force the small slimes to jump up and into the lava. I had to drown them somehow, and I kept trying to use asymmetrical designs, none of which were working. Either the medium slimes could jump out of the water current and reset their air bubbles or they would get stuck because of a bad water current. In the end, a very simple, symmetrical design did the trick, although it still has one deadzone, which didn't seem to be a problem with my testing. By changing the height of the ceiling above the slimes, I could stop them from jumping and actually force them to drown.

Well, that is all the changes I've made, really. It seems like a short list to me when recapping all of it, but it really took me quite a few hours of work and thought. The benefit from this though is quite obvious, and you guys should be able to guess what I'll be showing you next time if you've been following the blog.

That's all I've got. Signing out!

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